All Old Lamps including fluorescent, Outside Sign, Street Lamp, and any indoor sign  and Ballast will be Replaced with the newest LED Lights and Ballast to save Energy & Power.

LED light bulbs use between 80% and 85% less energy than the incandescent bulbs (the ones you use in lamps) they replace, according to Consumer Reports. … And on top of being more energy efficient, LEDs also last longer — an estimated 23 years — so switching over will save you a lot of money over time.

What is LED Retrofit?

Retrofitting your facility means that you’re adding something new (such as a technology, component, or accessory) that the building didn’t previously have or that wasn’t a part of the original construction. The term “retrofit” is very much a synonym with the term “conversion.” In the case of lighting, most retrofits that are happening today are LED lighting retrofits.

Why LED Lighting Retrofits?

LED lights are replacing traditional lighting technology across a wide spectrum of lighting applications. They are useful for interior lighting, exterior lighting, and small lighting in mechanical applications.

Why Complete An LED Retrofit and How Will I Benefit?

In three main ways: 1. energy efficiency improvements (read more), 2. reduce operating costs including recurring maintenance costs (both parts and labor, read more), 3. improved lighting quality (read more).

There are also creative business opportunities and financing options to complete an LED retrofit or conversion. Examples include partnering with Energy Savings Companies (ESCOs) or applying for Federal or State rebates.

What Are The Main Considerations During An LED Retrofit?

LEDs work a little differently than most traditional lighting solutions. A few things you’ll need to know when retrofitting your facilities with LEDs include the following:

  • Fixtures and luminaires are two different things. If you are looking to keep your present fixtures then you may slightly reduce the compatible conversion options when it comes to bulbs. If you’re replacing both the light and the fixture (housing) then you’ll be able to choose from everything on the market. In either case, most LEDs are made to be compatible with standard fixtures.
  • The hardware for dimming LED lights is generally not compatible with traditional lighting solutions. You will need LED dimmers to go along with the new bulbs.

Can I See Some Examples of LED Retrofits? How About The Results?

Building Exterior Lighting:

Parking Lot Lighting:

Parking Garage Lighting:

Sports Facility Lighting:

Street Lighting:

Subway Lighting:

Walkway Lighting: